Parking Lot Procedures
Confused about where to go? We all were at first.

Morning Drop Off
Follow the instructions to enter the school based on your northern or southern entrance.
Coming from the south, enter at the MAIN ENTRANCE from PCH directly into the EL Morro parking lot.
Coming from the north, turn left onto School/State Park Rd and turn right into the school parking lot. Do not block the intersection. Wait patiently to merge with the rest of the cars. This line can back up along PCH. Approach carefully, get in line on the shoulder and allow moving traffic to continue past.
Follow the line of cars to the morning drop off circle in front of the office.
Please wait patiently in line, and out of respect to all others who are waiting, we ask you not to cut in line.

Afternoon Pick Up
For Kindergarten and TK pick up (with no older siblings): Arrive before 2pm, (1 PM on Wednesdays). Pick up for TK and K is at the circle in front of the office entrance.
When picking up students in grades 1-5 (including siblings in K or TK): Do NOT arrive before 2pm. Drive up the ramp between the gates and follow the line of cars. Someone will ask your child's name to be called for pick up.
To park and walk in
Arrive early to avoid waiting in the line, it can back up along PCH.