5th Grade Promotion
Our annual week of celebration for the 5th Grade Graduates supported by our El Morro Community and coordinated by the 5th Grade Promotion Committee.
When is it?
Last Week of School in June
Event Details
Each year we celebrate the accomplishment of our 5th grade class. The promtion committee will send out an invitation for each graduate. The graduation serves as a right of passage for the students as they prepare to move into Middle School. A morning ceremony is followed by brunch and a small celebration for the families and guests of the 5th Grade Graduates. The annual Baby Picture slideshow will be featured.
Event Image
During the Spring the 5th Grade Promotion Committee organizes fundraising opportunities to help raise funds for the 5th Grade Graduation Events, these can include: Pool Party, Wild Rivers, Graduation Party, Graduation Lunch and more.
For more info, please contact committee chairs at 5thGradeGrad@elmorropta.org.